Friday, December 28, 2012


What the heck is Social Media and how does it help my business?

To most business owners, Social Media means Facebook and Twitter. Those two little blue squares businesses put on their advertisements letting people know that they have a Facebook page and a Twitter account.

Most small business owners have figured out by now that they want a Facebook page, and some have heard of Twitter and realize that “hey, if the big companies have Twitter, I must need Twitter too. Heck, these are FREE services after all, are they not?

Yet still, the question remains, WHY? What do I do with my Facebook page, My Twitter account?

Let's look at the term “SOCIAL MEDIA” and how it relates to Advertising.

Why “Social”?

According to Wikipedia, Social Refers to the interaction of organisms (people) with other organisms (people) and to their collective co-existence, irrespective of whether they are aware of it or not, and irrespective of whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.

Interaction being the key word, we have to look at advertising as more than just getting your product or service and your business name and contact information out there.

Let's go back a little... In 1997 I started my first Website Development and Internet Marketing Company. In what was, at the time, the fastest growing County in the United States (Flagler County, FL). I was at the cutting edge with the fastest growing business sector in the world and was poised to take the world by storm with this new technology.

It was my job to tell the masses that they NEEDED a website. They needed that WWW before their company name. A website to call their own. I met with a lot of resistance at first. The comment I most often heard at the time was, “I don't know anything about computers”. My response was “You don't know anything about printing presses, yet you advertise in the local trade papers”. And, at the time, I was right. Today, everyone has a website, and many businesses don't even understand why.

Today, “Social Media” is The Buzz. But WHY?

Consider the fact that over 90% of adults in America have a Facebook account. That's a lot of eyes. The question is how do I get those eyes to pay attention to my business?  Again, Interaction is the key word. You have to engage your audience. Bring them IN to your world.

How do you bring them in?

Here it is... by BEING SOCIAL!

Being Social is a part time job (at the least) in and of itself.  To take advantage of Social Media Marketing, you must spend TIME on it. Done right, it will pay off, and pay off quickly.

Remember, Social is Interaction... Social is a two way street. Your customers are on Facebook and Twitter for a reason. Contrary to the old belief that people just don't want to be bothered, they do however want to be recognized, a trait very much lost in today’s corporate America. A trait lost on large Companies, can be capitalized on by small business owners.


So, you have a Facebook Business page. You have managed to get people to actually LIKE your Facebook page. Now what?

Interacting With Your Loyal Customers

Encourage your customers to interact with your business via your Facebook page. This is where your creativity comes in. You have an audience, now you have to interact with them.

Your business page is not the place to “post” that you're enjoying a latte at Starbucks, your political commentary or other such nonsense, you can save that for your personal page.

Instead, share your knowledge, your “Intellectual Property” so to speak, with the purpose of educating your audience about your product or service. Share those little tidbits of information that your customers may not be aware of or be thinking about when it comes to your business. After all, who knows more about your business than you?

Hold contests, share videos, play games and encourage your Facebook “friends” to “share” your Facebook posts and page with their “friends”. Acknowledge posts by others on, around and about your company, product or service. At the least, click “LIKE” on comments left on your “wall” or on comments where your business is “Tagged” or mentioned.

Educate yourself and your staff on the importance of “LIKEing”, “sharing” and “tagging” on Facebook. The more YOUR posts are LIKEd, Shared and Tagged, the more exposure your business will get.

But being Social can't end there. From your Business page on Facebook, you must LIKE the Facebook pages of your contemporaries, your business neighbors and your community. Paying attention to their posts, and ”like” and “share” their posts (use discretion here) with your “friends”. Cultivate a Facebook “partnership” with other businesses in your community and “tag” each other in your posts. A network, so to speak, of merchants to “share” your information with each others “friends” and followers.

Interaction... This is being Social.

Need Help with your Social Media Campaign?

Contact me: